The Postmodernist View of Education
- Postmodernists stand against universalising education systems – it there is no one truth, then it is not appropriate to have a one size fits all education system.
- Modernist education is oppressive to many students – students give up their freedom for 11 years in order to learn knowledge which will improve their life chances – this does not work for everyone.
- Ideas of education which fit with a postmodern agenda include –
- Home Education
- Liberal forms of education (Summerhill School)
- Adult Education and Life Long Learning (because adults can make more of a choice)
- Education outside of formal education (leisure)
The Late-Modernist View of Education
- At an Institutional level education (mainly schools) become a fundamental part of the reflexive institutional landscape of Post-Fordist late-modernity
- Education policy is one of the things which the New Right and New Labour governments can and have used to ‘colonise the future’ by (a) providing opportunities for reskilling in an ever changing global labour market and (b) to keep under surveillance students ‘at risk’ of future deviance.