Methods in Context Essay Template

Last Updated on January 11, 2019 by

A suggested template for the Methods in Context Question on one of the AQA’s 7191 (1)education and methods in context sample exam papers – the template should work for most Method in Context questions, but it won’t work for all of them (it’ll fit less well for secondary data MIC questions)

Question: 06 Read Item B below and answer the question that follows

Item B

Investigating pupils with behavioural difficulties

Some pupils experience behavioural difficulties and problems interacting with others. This can create a major obstacle to learning, for both themselves and their classmates. In some cases, they are taught in specialist schools or in pupil referral units separate from mainstream education. Often, their behavioural difficulties result from problems outside school and many pupils come from materially deprived and chaotic home backgrounds.

Some sociologists may study pupils with behavioural difficulties using covert participant observation. This method enables the researcher to witness directly the pupils’ behaviour and its context. It may also allow the researcher to build a relationship of trust with pupils and parents. However, the researcher may find it difficult to fit in and he or she may need to adopt a specialised role such as teacher or support worker.

Evaluate the strengths and limitations of using covert participant observation to investigate pupils with behavioural difficulties (20)

Suggested Essay Plan

Cover Four things – Sampling/ Representativeness, Access, Validity, Ethics – In relation to the specific topic you are will be researching….

Discuss getting a sample/ Representativeness How might you gain a representative sample of the group you are studying? Are there any reasons why it might be difficult to get a representative sample?

Will the research method in the question make achieving a representative sample easier or more difficult?

What could you do to ensure representativeness?




Discuss gaining access to respondents Once you’ve decided on your sample, why might gaining access to respondents be a problem? (think of who you will be researching, and where you will be researching)




Will the choice of method make gaining access easier or more difficult?





What would you have to do to make sure you can gain access to this particular group?





Discuss validity/ empathy/ trust/ Insight Think of who you will be researching – are there any specific reasons why they may not wish to disclose information, or be unable to be disclose information?




Will the research method in the question make gaining trust easier or more difficult?




What could you do to make sure you get valid data from the people you will be researching?




Discuss Ethics Think of the specific topic you are researching in relation to who you will be researching – are there any specific ethical problems with researching these people?



Given these ethical problems, is the research method appropriate?



How can you make sure research is ethical?



Conclusion Based on all of the above is this a practical, theoretically sound and ethical method for this topic


NB – For the Topic you could discuss any of the following:

Who you might be researching

  • Pupils
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Support Staff

Where you might be researching pupils with behavioural difficulties

  • Classrooms
  • Staffrooms
  • Parents’ homes

 Specific characteristics of the subjects under investigation

  • Vulnerability
  • Stigmatisation
  • Parental consent

For the Method – You should consider all of TPEN: See here for the factors you should consider

Also relevant:

Participant Observation

Using Participant Observation to Research Education


9 thoughts on “Methods in Context Essay Template”

  1. A simpler version might just be to say whether it’s an appropriate method for the topic under investigation, whether you’d personally use it, how and why.

  2. I really don’t understand jack shit about how to do a proper concussion honestly, and the one portrayed here gave me a massive headache :/

  3. It’s certainly not the most fun of topics, I’ll give you that! I feel your pain.

  4. Hi – there are a few on the site – it-s a difficult topic to provide model answers for as there are various ways of writing a good answer!

  5. DO you have any model answers that I can use with my students? I am new to teaching Sociology.

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