I’ve been consolidating my A-level sociology planning recently, and I’ve concluded it’s useful to have several different versions of module summaries and schemes of work, as below:
- A mind map overview/ summary
- A Power Point overview/ summary
- A brief scheme of work
- A long scheme of work
- Detailed individual lesson plans.
All of these are based on the AQA’s specification, for the education topic.
Mind map overview of education
This is mind map number 1, the Borg equivalent of Unimatrix Zero. There are many other mind maps which branch off it – each colour thread itself becomes the central focus for more mind maps!
Power Point overview of education
Should need no explanation, about as brief as it can get.
Brief education Scheme of Work
A very brief version to be displayed in classrooms, an at a glance’ version so students can see where they are in the course and what’s coming next.
Long education Scheme of Work
This is a grid consisting of sub-topics, concepts, research studies, assessment and resources for each sup-topic. This more in-depth version follows the AQA specification rigidly and should include everything students need to know.
NB this is slightly different to the overview and lesson plans as some ‘lessons’ go beyond the specification or fuse different areas of it together.
Linear versions of all of the above.
Some students may prefer the linear versions of the above, which can be quite useful if used as check lists.
Detailed Lesson Plans
These are really for teachers only, and contain detailed minute by minute lesson plans with aims and objectives, resources and extension ideas.
New Resource: Sociology of Education teaching bundle.
All of the above are available as part of my ‘sociology of education teaching bundle’. One downloadable bundle including fully modifiable teaching resources in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Only £49.99, or as part of a monthly subscription package for £9.99 a month!
The bundle includes:
- A detailed scheme of work covering the entire AQA specification for the Education topic
- 24 detailed lesson plans (topics below)
- Six student work packs on Perspectives, class, gender, ethnicity and education policies.
- PowerPoints to accompany most lessons.
- Activities such as role play games, sentence sorts, gap fills.
NB I have had to remove most of the pictures from these materials for copyright reasons, but the idea is that you can always add these in yourself to beautify them!
Lessons covered:
- An introduction to the sociology of education
- The Functionalist perspective on education
- The Marxist perspective on education
- Neo-Marxism/ Paul Willis’ Learning to Labour
- The Neoliberal and New Right perspective on education
- The Postmodern view of education
- Consolidation Education Assessment Lesson – focussing on exam technique for the different types of question
- Exploring education, surveillance and social control.
- Social class and education: introduction and the role of material deprivation
- Social class and education: cultural deprivation and cultural capital
- Social class and education: the role of in school factors
- Ethnicity and education: introduction, material deprivation and cultural factors
- Ethnicity and education: the role of in-school factors
- Ethnicity and education: are schools institutionally racist?
- Gender and education: explaining gender differences in educational achievement
- Gender and education: gender identity in schools, subject choice and the Radical Feminist Perspective
- Education Policies: Historical Context, 1944 and 1965
- The 1988 Education Act
- New Labour’s Policies
- The Coalition and New Right policies
- Exploring selection and the priviatisation of education
- Should we abolish independent schools debate
- Globalisation and education
- Vocational education