The postmodern perspective on globalisation and popular culture

Postmodernists see the media as central to globalisation and emphasise the positive effects media globalisation has on society. Before reading this post you might like to review the concepts of postmodernity and postmodernism and globalisation. More individual choice The globalisation of the media means that people are now more aware of hundreds of diverse cultures … Continue reading “The postmodern perspective on globalisation and popular culture”

Lakewood Church and the Prosperity Gospel

Three out of four of the Largest churches in the U.S. preach the ‘Prosperity Gospel’ – these are megachurches which preach the idea that God is a spiritual source which individuals can call upon to ‘enrich’ their lives – popular buzzwords include ‘hope, destiny and bounty’, and the sermons are filled with optimism, with the … Continue reading “Lakewood Church and the Prosperity Gospel”

Evaluate the view that religious beliefs and organisations are barriers to social change (20)

The above question appears on the AQA’s 2016 Paper 2 Specimen Paper. The Question and the Item (as on the paper) Read Item B and answer the question that follows. Item B Many sociologists argue that religious beliefs and organisations act as conservative forces and barriers to social change. For example, religious doctrines such as … Continue reading “Evaluate the view that religious beliefs and organisations are barriers to social change (20)”

Theories of Secularization: Rationalization and the Disenchantment of Society

According to Weber, the rationalization of society led to the disenchantment of society and as a result religious motives for action were replaced by rational motives for action. This post considers arguments and evidence for and against this theory. Max Weber argued that modern society was ‘characterized by rationalization and intellectualization, and, above all, ‘by … Continue reading “Theories of Secularization: Rationalization and the Disenchantment of Society”

Applying material from Item C and your knowledge, evaluate the view that conflict approaches are more useful than consensus approaches to our understanding of society (20)

How to get full marks for a 20 mark theory essay in A-level sociology

Evaluate the Functionalist View of the Role of Education in Society (30) #LONG VERSION

Essay practice for A-level sociology!

Analyse the reasons for social class, ethnic and/ or gender differences in society

The issue of why differences in life chances by class, gender and ethnic differences exist forms a major part of any A level sociology syllabus, and I would say the analysis of the reasons behind these social differences is fundamental to sociology’s very self-identity. Within A level sociology, students need to be able to a very general … Continue reading “Analyse the reasons for social class, ethnic and/ or gender differences in society”