The exploitation of young people in the UK

Millions of young people are exploited at work through unpaid trial shifts, lower minimum wages for example.

Hidden Girls – A Documentary on the Exploitation of Girls in Gangs

Gangs in the UK are increasingly ‘recruiting’ very young girls, as young as 10, to hold and run drugs and weapons for them and, for the even more unfortunate, to use as sex-slaves. It seems that girls are very much the victims within gangs, as they have very little chance of moving up the gang … Continue reading “Hidden Girls – A Documentary on the Exploitation of Girls in Gangs”

Radical Criminology, aka New or Critical Criminology

Emerging in the late 1960s and 70s, Radical Criminology, aka New Criminology combined Marxist and Interactionist approaches, emphasizing capitalism’s role in producing crime, and the subsequent societal reactions. It called for understanding crime through several factors such as wealth distribution and societal response to deviance. Critics argue it offers no practical solution to crime and romanticizes criminals, while ignoring crime victimization of women.

The nationwide expansion of drug gangs

Drug gangs are expanding their operations from large city centres such as London, Birmingham and Manchester into smaller towns and rural areas. To do so they are using a new business model referred to as ‘county lines’ – dedicated mobile phone drug deal lines which local drug dealers in smaller towns can use to order … Continue reading “The nationwide expansion of drug gangs”

Sentence Sorts for Teaching A-Level Sociology – How Useful Are They?

Matching exercises or ‘sentence sorts’ simply involve students matching the concept/ sociologist/ perspective/ method to a definition/ statement. Simple example: Decide whether the sentences are below are Functionalist or Marxist – simply write ‘F’ or ‘M’ next to the sentence. 1.            Education reproduces inequality by justifying privilege and attributing poverty to personal failure. 2.            The … Continue reading “Sentence Sorts for Teaching A-Level Sociology – How Useful Are They?”

An Overview of the UK Labour Market (2017)

Adapted from Taylor’s ‘Good Work’ Report (2017). This report reviews the current state of work and makes (some fairly limited and piecemeal) policy recommendations about how to make work fairer for more people. Characteristics of the UK labour market The Review coins the term ‘the British way’ to describe the current working landscape in Britain … Continue reading “An Overview of the UK Labour Market (2017)”

This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein: A Summary (of Part 1)

The focus of this book is on the causes of climate change, some potential solutions, and the dangers of carrying on with ‘business as usual’. More specifically: Chapter two provides an overview of how globalised neoliberal policies helped to cause climate change (chapter two) Chapters three and four explore how governments have a crucial role to play … Continue reading “This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein: A Summary (of Part 1)”